Seventeen-year-old photographer based in Seattle.

Shooting landscapes has always held a special place in my heart. I started out taking photos of sunsets from the backyard, and that childlike wonder still guides me as I explore the vast beauty of the natural world today.

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While relatively new to the genre of street photography, I enjoy documenting the quiet amidst the chaos. Wandering the streets of downtown Seattle with my Nikon in hand, I've discovered that my favorite compositions are often born from the unscripted, spontaneous moments.

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In their simplicity, black and white images have the ability to convey raw emotions and powerful messages. I typically find myself creating more conceptual pieces in monochrome.

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This past preseason, I had the privilege of organizing my school’s first Media Day. The intent of the event was to give senior athletes and families a chance to celebrate their success through high-quality portraits and graphics.

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